Sensing Just

Rays of the sun struggle to shine.
Amid clouds dancing,
I still dare and stand
If you ever shared a smile with me
Then, perhaps- again,- I could believe!

If you let me walk with your pace-
I can-
I can prosper like you!
‘Cos I still believe my hopes are true
That’s why I persist that you adhere!

Will you?

Have you ever thought that you and me
Carry with us same hopes and dreams?

If you dare think so, then I’d dare say-
Tomorrow got to be a hopeful day!

The world’ d come nearer to itself-
-And me-
And I then would matter!
I’d have my hopes and dreams cared for
 Cause the sake of Just is greater!

Then, I’ll look in alls’ eyes
My hopes and dreams to see!

In the rivers of your thoughts,
On the waves of every sea,
Amid words toddlers do manage-
Just- could be...

Perparim 2004


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